Told more than thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the story of the village “Unterleuten”, a fictional village in the Brandenburg province. Here they live together: Capitalists, city dwellers and old-timers. When a wind farm is to be built in the immediate vicinity of the village, the inhabitants are divided. Friends become enemies and enemies become friends, and anyone who thinks they can step out of the way of progress and into the idyll of the countryside is sorely mistaken. For the skeletons that lie in the cellar cannot be concealed.
The social novel “Unterleuten” by Juli Zeh was one of the most widely read novels of the year in 2016 and remained in the upper echelons of the bestseller lists for months. Reinhold Elschot and Silke Pützer produced the novel for ZDF on original locations in Brandenburg and Berlin.
Matti Geschonneck
ZDF, Network Movie Film - und Fernsehproduktion